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October 06, 2008


michael webster


Nice post, but I would add one thing for anyone who is considering switching.

My office runs two XP machines, and I have an old G3 and a much newer iBook.

I am going to upgrade the XP machines by switching to a 24" iMac. But I am not going to retire either XP, nor use any emulation software. I am simply going to use remote desktop to sign on to the XP machines from my iMac and run the legacy programs.

The switch to the iMac will eventually replace the legacy XP programs, but I want the redundancy of the XP machines until I new Mac software.

The switch will be easy, painless, and slowly the XP legacy programs will be replaced and the two boxes will converted to linux servers.


So are you telling me to go out and buy a PC? LOL!

Noel McKeown

I practice in a 4 person firm and previously used "Remote Desktop" to access a legacy XP machine and some window specific legal programs. In the interest of securing my data I arranged for the data from my Windows specific programs to be located on our Server. Notwithstanding the ability to use Windows and Macs on the same Server (Mac Server software 10.3+) the process of connecting Windows boxes to the Server was less than intuitive even though I am a long time amateur radio operator and no technophobe by a long shot.

Switching over to Intel Macs and running Windows XP Pro in emulation via Parallels has, for me, proven to be a more comfortable and reliable method of dealing with Windows only programs.

Noel McKeown, Xenia, OH

PS = I much appreciate your column and the articles - nkm

Chris Monaghan

I have a web-based application called Time59 (www.time59.com). It provides Time and Expense Tracking, Invoicing and Payment Entry. It is used by a lot of solo lawyers who are looking for something that is simple and cost-effective. There is a 30-day free trial.

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